The Art of Stereoscopy: Andrew Brooks

The Art of Stereoscopy: Andrew Brooks

Stereoscopic image making: by Andrew Brooks

My obsession with 3D stereoscopic image making has its roots in the way so much rich detail and depth can be captured and viewed using really accessible techniques. I use stereo to document the forms and atmosphere of landscapes, architecture and details of nature but it feels like there are practical uses way beyond these. From 3D graphs, diagrams and maps, information sharing about spaces and almost seeing windows into different times when looking at older stereoscopic images from over the history of the artform. I feel that if lots more people could free-view stereoscopic images that there could be massive scope for sharing information in countless creative and practical ways.

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My interest in stereo 3D started back in the 1990’s with Magic Eye books. There were always a few of the more traditional stereoscopic images at the ends of these books and they really caught my eye; I was taken with the amazing clarity that you can see when free-viewing. Since then I have created a few stereoscopic camera rigs, developed how I use sequential stereo photography and worked on countless other experimental ideas. 

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It feels so close to being a massively accessible artform. I’ve been doing my bit to share stereoscopy using social media to post 3-D stills and films, and also making films to show people how to view stereo images and make their own sequential view images just using one camera.

Here’s a page on my website dedicated to my stereo 3D photography and films. 

The new tutorial above shows how to create your own stereoscopic photographs using a single camera. 

The film above is a simple introduction showing how to view parallel view stereo pairs.

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In this other new film I explore the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. Walking around the building as the bells toll on a Sunday morning and also looking at the interior of this stunning modernist structure.

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I have lots more stereo projects planned and places I’d like to document in 3D so I can keep sharing this amazing artform and hopefully getting more people to try it for themselves.

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Follow me on Twitter hereInstagram, Facebook and here’s my website.    

Andrew Brooks

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