Happy International Stereoscopy Day! June 21st 2023

Happy International Stereoscopy Day! June 21st 2023

The Stereoscopy Blog would like to wish everyone across the globe a very happy Stereoscopy Day, in its official second year of celebration!

To join in the celebration, remembering this day in 1838 when Sir Charles Wheatstone presented his theory of binocular vision, you’ll find new blog posts by different authors appearing every couple of hours. I really must send a heartfelt thank you to them for their contributions at this very hectic time of year.

Don’t forget, you can also find more Stereoscopy Day activities and events taking place on the official website: www.stereoscopyday.com and you’ll see the founders of this day, the The Brian May Archive of Stereoscopy, are holding free online Zoom talks from 3pm BST with King’s College, London’s Archives, and the Museum of Gloucester.

However and wherever you’re joining in, we wish you a very happy #StereoscopyDay

Copyright © The Stereoscopy Blog. All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “Happy International Stereoscopy Day! June 21st 2023

  1. Bonjour Rebecca. Je t’ai vu à Bordeaux pour les journées internationales 2023. J’aurais dû discuter plus avec toi car je ne savais pas que tu t’occupais de ce blog. Quel beau travail ! Continue ainsi et à bientôt.


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