Dundee and Stereo-Photography – Free In-Person 3-D Talk by Professor Nicholas Wade

Dundee and Stereo-Photography – Free In-Person 3-D Talk by Professor Nicholas Wade

Professor Nicholas Wade, Psychology, University of Dundee, will be giving the free 3-D talk ‘Dundee and Stereo-Photography’ at the D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre on International Stereoscopy Day, June 21st 2024, from 5.30pm.

The talk will be chaired by Caroline Brown, Archivist, University of Dundee, 3-D glasses will be provided, and everyone is welcome to attend.

“International Stereoscopy Day marks the anniversary of Charles Wheatstone’s lecture (on June 21st 1838) to the Royal Society announcing his invention of the stereoscope. The instrument transformed both science and art. In science, depth perception could be investigated experimentally. In art, the almost synchronous invention of photography ushered in the era of stereoscopic photographs.  Eleven years later, David Brewster devised a stereoscope using lenses, the first model of which was made by George Lowdon in Dundee.

Brewster’s refracting stereoscope proved more popular and portable than Wheatstone’s mirror device and most early stereoscopic photographs were made for the former. Many models were devised thereafter and the one shown below was patented by Erskine Ebenezer Scott in Dundee, after Lowdon’s improved design. It will be on display at the talk together with stereoscopic positive transparencies produced by Valentines of Dundee. The early history of stereoscopes, photography and their links to Dundee will be illustrated stereoscopically using anaglyphs. They are a simple form of stereoscopy based on overprinting two images in different colours and viewing them through similarly coloured filters; red/cyan viewers will be provided for viewing them. Reference will be made to the stereo-views published by J. Valentine and Co. as well as the brief production of the Nimslo stereo-camera.”

Venue details: Friday, June 21st, 2024, 5.30 pm, D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor, Tower Building, University of Dundee, Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4HN.

Scott’s Patent Stereoscope by Nicholas Wade

Younger and older Charles Wheatstone, by Nicholas Wade. (Tip: close each eye separately to switch between the two images).

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